Karen Livesey MRSS Karen is a skilled Shiatsu & Inner QiGong practitioner, registered with the Shiatsu Society. She has an established south London practice, located on the borders of Brixton, Herne Hill & Tulse Hill with over fifteen years experience as a practitioner. Currently she works from Yoga Point and online.
Shiatsu & Inner Qigong are particularly effective ways to feel more connected and navigate the challenges of life, in addition to being a powerful way to address musculo-skeletal aches and pains; myofascial release of held tension and stress; improved sleep and digestion and growing an increased sense of inner calm and wellbeing.
Karen has a great gift for healing. Her expertise and knowledge of shiatsu has helped me to relax and rebalance. It’s wonderful to feel the tension being released from the body as Karen activates pressure points, traces meridians, stretches limbs, and directs your breathing. The sessions are calming and energising always rebalancing and restorative. Adi, Career Coach
I've been seeing Karen at Yoga point for several years and would highly recommend her. She's always tuned into my body and I leave feeling a lot better physically and mentally from when I arrived. I use to go for Osteopathy locally to get 'clicked', but found it too harsh and on occasion leaving me with a worse problem when when I arrived. Karen is well worth a visit. Steven, Publisher / Artist
I met Karen on a yoga retreat several years ago and have been visiting her at Yogapoint ever since. She is very experienced in Shiatsu and has a lovely spiritual nature. I always sleep brilliantly the night after a massage by Karen. In fact, I usually need an extra coffee to get going the following morning, which is a lovely feeling. I highly recommend her. Mandy, PR Consultant